I love to make computers show intelligent behaviour.
This is the website of Tilmann E. Bartsch. I currently design and implement the software toolchain of Semron's ai-accelerator. Previously, I studied data science, mathematics and physics.
If I don't train a neural network or optimize an ai-toolchain you'll most likely find me in the climbing gym or on the tennis court.
Quantizing Transformers
The model size and computational costs of modern neural networks are huge. Both can be reduced by using a method called quantization. This post is a detailed guide on how to quantize neural networks and builds up everything required to perform a simple quantization of Google's transformer-based ViT from scratch.
oneDNN Adventures
CPU Integer matrix multiplication using numpy is catastrophically slow. Other solutions are only slightly better. For x86_64 CPUs, Intel's C++ library oneDNN provides a remedy.
Why you should work on saturdays if you're younger than thirty.
“Knowledge and Productivity are like compound interest” (Richard Hamming). Therefore, the commonplace idea about learning as much as possible when you are young is true in an exponential way.
After developing an extensive curiosity in mathematics I started to dive deep into it at the technical university in the beautiful town of Dresden in Germany.
Over the years as the new machine learning era gained a tremendous amount of traction I was deeply impressed about the new programs showing something that is at least on the boundary of intelligent behaviour.
Reflecting on this I developed the aspiration to participate on these advances. I learned about the necessary steps to obtain the current result in artificial intelligence ranging from designing semiconductor chips, building compiler toolchains and training deep neural networks.
Consequently I am very happy to currently have the chance to work on the very foundations of building next generation ai applications at SEMRON by designing the software toolchain for our custom inference chip.
Portrait of Tilmann E. Bartsch
ML Software Architect
since Apr. 2022
Software Engineer
Aug. 2021 - Mar. 2022
TU Dresden
Bachelor Physics
Oct. 2018 - Sept. 2021
Bachelor Mathematics
Oct. 2017 - Sept. 2020